easy game, nothing can go wrong! very easy levels


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Cute little game! I had an issue where I couldn't start the game because I had caps lock on, so if anyone can't start, make sure their caps lock is off.

thank you for playing!

i love the music of the game.

the musician is named KLY, sometimes I take a song of him for my games

That music is wayyy to lit!

the music is from opengameart.org

nice game, but I would say the delay for movement is definitely too long, sometimes I spammed W and the character just moved 1 unit , for me that just feels bad

thank you, I have changed it

Nice little game, I really enjoyed it.

I was kind of surprised in level 5 when I realized you could push the blocks back out, that was really cool moment :D (I didn’t know Sokoban.)

i made the levels with a sokoban-level-generator. but the levels are relly easy, you play these 10 levels in five minutes