You are a professor and researching a temple. There are chests, in which are useful informations. With these hints you can answer the questions of the riddlemouth correctly. Don't go to the riddlemouth until you have opened all chests.


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Nice. This is actually the first game I have ever seen in monkey X. If I had to criticize something, I would say you should just pick one button for continuing dialog and stick with it. Some screens I had to press space, some I had to press return, and 1 I had to press the down arrow key. There is really no point for that many different inputs for the same thing.

thank you fro playing! I love Monkey X,I had made many games with it in the last years.

Ok, you are right, an exit-key or -button would be better. When you enter a text-window, you must press the opposite arrow-key you entered the text-window.