In Alien Syndrome, the story is set in a distant future where humanity is exploring and colonizing space. A deadly alien race known as the "Alien Syndrome" has begun attacking and infesting various space stations and ships, capturing the crew members and holding them hostage. These aliens are ruthless, grotesque creatures that pose a severe threat to human survival.

The player takes on the role of Ricky, an elite soldier who is part of a special rescue team. Their mission is to infiltrate the alien-infested ships, rescue the captured crew members, and eliminate the alien threat. As they progress through the game, they must navigate complex, maze-like environments filled with dangerous alien enemies, traps, and obstacles.

The ultimate goal is to save all the hostages. The fate of the captured humans and possibly the entire human race depends on the player's success in battling the Alien Syndrome and rescuing the hostages.

The game’s story emphasizes urgency, with the player constantly under pressure to complete their mission before the aliens can carry out their sinister plans.

control: LMB -> moving, RMB -> Shooting


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