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Hi Bardon. Can you give any additional info about how this was created? Was NESmaker used?

This longplay popped up in my YouTube feed and I've been curious about the game ever since. Thanks!


Yes, it is made with NESMaker (without coding).  My newest game is here (with coding) --> Tank of Lore by Bardon (


here are all my nes-games:

Love the music!

Some feedback and possible issue... On the title screen, you can't seem to start the game via start or fire button (which is what I'd normally expect). However you can walk to the right to start the game (maybe have a blinking arrow to suggest that, or text?)

 The first time I played the game, I walked off the screen to the left, the character disappeared, and that seemed to confuse the game. At that point you couldn't get the character back on the screen, are stuck, and need to reset the game.

ohh, there is a bug! Walk straight to the right, please! I haven't the source of the game here, i worked on my job on it. thank you for playing!